Urban Vitality in Recife: Capibaribe Park Project

Area Planning Urban Development Medium Information Visualization Type Research

The image shows a representation of the urban vitality of Recife, capital city of the state of Pernambuco, located in the Northeast region of Brazil. This reasearch if part of a project called Capibaribe Park, that is developing a a 30km linear park along the main river system of Recife. The aim of the project is to provide a strategic plan that tackles environmental, spatial and social issues.

Urban vitality is related to the concentration of people and activities in the city. In order to obtain the degree of urban vitality capable of revealing the areas with positive dynamics, a process of mapping and classification of shops and other commercial spaces had to be carried out. To measure the degree of vitality, commercial establishments were classified based on office hours, attractiveness, size and type of activity.

The most prominent areas are those in the city center, which are areas of greatest urban connection. You can see that vitality is associated with the main roads of the city, forming points of urban centrality. By visualizing these areas of higher vitality, it is possible to design strategies to channel and incorporate these vitalities in other areas, in our case, to activate the forgotten areas by the riverbank of the Capibaribe River.


  • FlorĂȘncio, Amanda INCITI/UFPE
  • Carvalho, Luiz INCITI/UFPE

Project Partner