Time & Location

November 4th 2022, 10am to 2:30pm (CEST, GMT+2)
Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam
or virtually via Zoom.


Thematic Background

Visualization as a tool for analysis, exploration and communication has become a driving force in the task of unravelling the complex urban fabrics that form our cities. Yet, there is a crucial need to bridge the gap between the flood of urban data and the capacity of decision makers to integrate that data into effective and informed decisions. The CityVis workshop wants to critically assess this notion and ask how data and data visualization can be used to serve and better understand or even organize urban processes, focusing on an explicitly “human-centric” perspective. In our previous workshops we have developed an initial framework for such perspectives or rather design considerations, which should inspire, but not limit, future submissions (Goodwin et al, 2021). These perspectives should support and improve the understanding and the utilizations of data for all stakeholders - from governments and companies to citizens. This workshop should help us further refine those concepts and particularly look at how we can go beyond traditional techniques and approaches.

Workshop theme:
Underneath the Smart City

Beyond academic research the discourse on the visualization of (smart) cities is often dominated by dashboards. From traffic dashboards to crime data analysis dashboards. Focussed on purely quantitative information, those visualizations are designed to help administrators deduce decisions from the visual artefacts. To support the decision making process the complexity of cities is often abstracted into simplified schemas and visualizations, generalizing the multidimensional qualities of urban spaces into a small number of arbitrary indicators. Many visualization experts, urban planners and humanity scholars, are arguing for a shift away from such simplified perspectives, towards more inclusive and comprehensive forms of visualization or rather communication.

In this workshop we would like to explore those new perspectives. During the workshop we would like to outline this specific field and therefore invite innovative ideas, design concepts, requirement analysis and work-in-progress in the following scopes:

Workshop Program



Interactive Session

Promoting interdisciplinarity

Throughout all CityVis workshops we have been promoting interdisciplinarity. While the workshops have a strong focus on visualization, we invite researchers from all disciplines, who work with/on visualizations or at the intersection to the above topics. We believe interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives to be crucial for broadening the conversation and uncovering new perspectives on our research and practices.


CityVis Competition & Exhibition

If your work has also resulted in a visual artifact (installation, website, interactive prototype, video, etc.), we also strongly encourage you to submit your work to our CityVis competition (same deadline). All submissions to the competition will become part of the CityVis collection on this website and the best submissions will be awarded and exhibited.

Special Issue for Workshop Contributions

To continue documenting the work around urban data visualization, we are partnering with the KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, to produce a special issue. All workshop contributors are invited to extend their abstracts into short or full papers. Acceptance to the workshop does not imply acceptance of the paper to the special issue. The journal will run an additional review process on the papers, before acceptance to the special issue. The KN is the official journal of the German Cartographic Society and, thereby, strongly connected to the works of the International Cartographic Association (ICA).

If you have any questions, please get in touch.


Program Committee


If you have any questions don't hesitate contacting us sebastian.meier@fh-potsdam.de