Time & Location
IEEE VIS, October 22 from 2 to 5 pm
Melbourne, Australia
Thematic Background
Visualization as a tool for analysis, exploration and communication has become a driving force in the task of unravelling the complex urban fabrics that form our cities. Yet, there is a crucial need to bridge the gap between the flood of urban data and the capacity of decision makers to integrate that data into effective and informed decisions. The CityVis workshop wants to critically assess this notion and ask how data and data visualization can be used to serve and better understand or even organize urban processes, focusing on an explicitly “human-centric” perspective. In our previous workshops we have developed an initial framework for such perspectives or rather design considerations, which should inspire, but not limit, future submissions (Goodwin et al, 2021). These perspectives should support and improve the understanding and the utilizations of data for all stakeholders - from governments and companies to citizens. This workshop should help us further refine those concepts and particularly look at how we can go beyond traditional techniques and approaches.
Workshop theme:
Urban Data Governance
Urban systems such as healthcare, transportation, culture, housing, and energy, are undergoing digital transformations and generating vast quantities of data. This has necessitated the emergence of data governance frameworks. Data governance determines (1) the actors that make decisions regarding the conception, use, dissemination, processing, and sharing of data, (2) how these decisions are made, and (3) corresponding accountability mechanisms. It significantly influences the production, usage, and distribution of data, which in turn impact urban data visualisation.
Against this backdrop, CityVis 5 delves into the interplay between data governance and urban visualisation. It aims to convene researchers and practitioners from various disciplines to navigate the intricacies of data governance in an urban visualisation context. The workshop will tackle a range of topics, including (but not limited to):
- The effects of key data governance concepts (e.g., privacy, anonymity, data sovereignty, participation, empowerment and engagement) on urban visualisation practices
- The role of data visualisation in supporting data governance processes, structures, and stakeholder engagement in cities
- Real-world case studies illustrating applied data governance practices and the challenges encountered by urban visualisation professionals and adjacent disciplines
- The intersection of data governance and urban visualisation within different contexts (e.g. various legal frameworks)
Workshop Program
Visualizing Scalar Effects of Urban Data Aggregation
Jonathan Nelson
University of Wisconsin-Madison -
How Far Can Public Transport Take You?
Markus Trainer, Christina Humer, Patrick Adelberger, Marc Streit
Johannes Kepler University Linz -
The Use of Causal Loop Diagrams to Explore People-Centred Data Governance in Australian Cities
Jessica Bou Nassar1, Sarah Goodwin1, Lyn Bartram2, Darren Sharp1, Misita Anwar1
1.Monash University, 2. Simon Fraser University -
Enhancing Collaboration in Urban Data Governance: A Measurement Framework for Applied Data Visualization
Chien-Yu Lin
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Matt Cengia
Matt (they/them/their) is a queer, autistic nonbinary human with ADHD, from the lands of Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation (so-called Melbourne, Australia). They have a long history of involvement at all levels of GovHack Australia, a hackathon using open data provided by the government, as well as Open Knowledge Australia. In their volunteer role as a Scout Leader, they make use of open data to create topographical maps for hikes and other events. They have a background in Linux systems admin and software development, as well as strong interests in communication, empathy, consent, openness and transparency, privacy and security, diversity and inclusion. Matt identifies as a generalist, and their breadth of interests often give them a unique perspective on how to relate to, and mediate between, people of different specialities.
Yasmina Dkhissi
Yasmina leads the City of Melbourne’s major initiative on city resilience. She has a demonstrated track record in working with international stakeholders across university, industry, government and community organisations to deliver innovative solutions to today’s climate and sustainability challenges. Yasmina is experienced in designing and implementing collaborative and multi-disciplinary climate mitigation and adaptation, innovation programs. She has worked as a sustainable innovation strategist in Paris, led the strategy for Monash University’s Net Zero Initiative, has held partnerships and technical research roles. Her favourite topics are impact, cities transformation, climate resilience, net-zero transition, co-design, community, systemic innovation and creativity.
Carl Higgs
Carl is a research data scientist and PhD student in the Healthy Liveable Cities Lab of the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT University. With a background in cultural studies, spatial epidemiology, and computational statistics, through his PhD he is developing methods to support calculation and dissemination of spatial indicators of urban liveability using open data and an open science ethos, to support planners, policy makers and researchers to better understand, monitor and shape the impacts of the built environment on health and wellbeing.
Promoting interdisciplinarity
Throughout all CityVis workshops we have been promoting interdisciplinarity. While the workshops have a strong focus on visualization, we invite researchers from all disciplines, who work with/on visualizations or at the intersection to the above topics. We believe interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives to be crucial for broadening the conversation and uncovering new perspectives on our research and practices.
- 31st July Deadline for structured abstracts
- 7th August Notification of acceptance
- 15th August Camera-Ready Deadline
- 22nd October Workshop
Submission of Abstracts
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit abstracts on case studies in the domain of urban visualization, in particular focusing on the theme “Data Governance” and relating to the topics mentioned above (see Workshop Theme).
Abstracts must consist of no more than 5,000 characters (approx 2 pages). Please use the IEEE VIS submission guidelines for structuring your abstract.
The submitted abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review through the program committee. All accepted abstracts will be published on the workshop website (open access).
Please submit your abstract through the IEEE VIS submission system.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
- Jessica Bou Nassar Monash University
- Lyn Bartram Simon Fraser University
- Sebastian Meier Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
- Darren Sharp Monash University
- Leonard Higi Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
- Sarah Goodwin Monash University
Program Committee
- Alan Gamlen Australian National University
- Amit Jena Monash University
- Asım Evren Yantaç Koç University
- Benjamin Shapiro Georgia State University
- Cagatay Turkay University of Warwick
- Christoph Kinkeldey HAW Hamburg
- Christopher Marsden Monash University
- Christopher Petit University of New South Wales
- Damla Çay Koç University
- David Hunter Ravensbourne University
- Dominique McCollum Coy Monash University
- Giacomo Marinsalta Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
- Heike Vornhagen Insight Centre
- Jonathan Kern Nelson University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermúdez CityLAB Berlin
- Juan Francisco Saldarriaga Columbia University
- Liubov Tupikina Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris
- Marian Dörk Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
- Mennatullah Hendawy Technische Universität Berlin
- Michael Szell IT University of Copenhagen
- Nicole Hengesbach University of Warwick
- Puripant Ruchikachorn Chulalongkorn University
- Rodrigo Medeiros Instituto Federal da Paraíba
- Sheng-Ming Ryan Wang National Taipei University of Technology
- Till Nagel University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
- Vincent Tourre École Centrale Nantes
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us jessica.bounassar@monash.edu